December 22, 2014 (Mon) – I’m Just a Wuss

WussOK, I admit it. In many ways I do fit the definition to the left. OK, I know some of you will be saying, “but Craig, you’re being too hard on yourself.”

Not necessarily. Hear me out.

So we’ll start off with a simple example. My wife and I no longer give each other Christmas presents. We determined long ago that we already have everything we want or need. No, I realize that is not so unusual. And typically we will have some major household expense, whether it be a $75K kitchen remodel or a dozen bottles of Rombauer (yeah right) that we then consider as our gifts to one another. OK, so far so good. But here is where it gets a bit wussy. I do not buChristmas-Stocking-Clip-Art-2y any Christmas presents anymore. My wife covers all the bases, including my boss and our kids. Now you have to admit, that’s a bit selfish, if not quite reaching the wuss level. But here’s the kicker: the only thing I buy is my wife’s stocking stuffers. And since I put forward such a D- effort, she has had to resort to buying some of her own stocking stuff and giving it to me to add to her stocking. Now I feel downright wussy.

But this is a cancer blog – not a blog of Christmas fail.

So how can someone, who’s had to deal with some of the medical issues I have this past year, be considered a wuss? Well, this past week I came down with a nasty sinus infection and terrible sore throat. It is actually the first time I have been “sick” in many years. I’m not used to it. And it knocked me flat. But at least I knew that is all it was.

SickyYet, it really made me wonder about how I might react to medical challenges down the road. I’ve been complimented on my positive attitude and ability to persevere. Hah. This past week I had none of the above working for me. Yeah, I felt like crap but the true sign of strength is to be able to remain positive under trying circumstances. I couldn’t muster up a whole lot of plus symbols to orbit my psyche this past week. And this was just a friggin’ bad cold. So thus a wuss. We will see how things go if/when the rubber hits the road. Let’s hope I don’t need to test that theory for a long time.

Off on another tangent: I was just reading the label of one of my Lovely-nox syringes after jabbing myself for probably thpige 250th time in 4 months. Funny it took me this long to notice. I was taken aback when I read that Lovenox is “derived from porcine intestinal mucosa.” So I’ve been injecting myself with pig mucous? Uh….how do I get that out of my brain now?

Not sure if this fits in the wuss category, a crazy category, or just-gotta-be-kidding-me category. But for elf 2008the 7th or 8th year straight, I borrowed an elf (although it looks a bit more like a jester to me) costume courtesy of the local Old Globe Theater (thank you Maureen) and wore it to my Rotary holiday party. It would be one thing if our club had 20 people in it. But it has 500 members comprised of the movers and shakers in town including ex-mayors, city council members and heads of many companies in town. Not sure how I fit in, especially with an outfit like this. But they haven’t kicked me out yet and I think they have even come to expect me making a fool (literally) of myself every year. Plus the seniors they invite every year get a kick out of it. Heck, at this stage nothing can embarrass me.

fingers crossed 2Finally, a medical update. This Friday, the day after Christmas, I go in for my every-six-week brain MRI and upper body CT scan. Should have the results sometime early next week. Stay tuned and keep your fingers crossed.

That’s it from the home front. Overall, other than this obnoxious cold, I still feel great. And I plan on keeping it that way.

And I could not avoid dropping in a great shot of our family. This is from my daughter’s wedding back in May.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Family Four Xmas

Business as usual. Day at a time.

14 thoughts on “December 22, 2014 (Mon) – I’m Just a Wuss

  1. I’m surprised you are still on Lovenox. Mike really disliked that drug and those shots. Hang in there. We are all on this path together. Happy Holidays!!

    • Karen, I’ve gotten so used to the shots, it’s no big deal any more. It would be a lot harder if I didn’t have the body fat. J But they wanted me on Lovenox for a while because I had such serious clots. Those seem to be mostly resolved so I will be anxious to see if there is a change in treatment when I meet up with my doc on the 7th.

      You and Mike are in my thoughts. Take care. Happy holidays back at you.


  2. Hey Craig, you aren’t a wuss. You gave yourself some time to accept the cold.sore throat cause you could….it is not a scary thing. You are resisting this cancer as you should …but it isn’t easy. I am glad you gave in to the cold cause it may just give you renewed energy to stand up to fuzzy. That is not something to give in to…as you know!!!!
    Very best of the season, Lynda…Sharon blower’s sister, btw..😎😎😎😎😎

    • Thanks Lynda. I just found it hard to stay home but I finally had to be smart. Plus my wife would have given me untold grief. 🙂 I’m a little slow on the uptake sometimes.


  3. And a VERY Happy Holiday Season to you and Kim!! One of the young women in our town and her third grade son went down to SD this week for a sun break. I gave her the low down on all the places she absolutely could not miss: the zoo, Balboa Park and all the museums and, my favorite, the carousel!! I think my Mom, her Mom and both my kids rode that thing! My advice ,,, GO for the RING!!!

  4. Happy Holidays Craig. Speedy recovery from the cold. Most men are wusses, I certainly am. (I can’t resist — do you get hunger feelings when you hear someone calling: Soooo Wheee? Yeah, that’s bad.)

  5. You do know that your wussiness will give Kim the opportunity to stuff her Christmas stocking with sparkly baubles…..but you know she well deserves anything in that little blue box, and no Tiffany’s is not having a sale right now.
    Seriously now, take some time off and kick this cold etc completely to the curb….and do it hopefully by Christmas so you can enjoy the presents Kim has purchased……for herself. I know I’ll be enjoying mine! And yes, fingers crossed. Merry Christmas Blower Fam.

  6. Thanks for another wonderful and insightful post Craig. I agree with Wolf, all of us guys are wusses when we get sick. I’m just misserable to be around when I catch a bad cold. I could also relate to your Christmas present purchasing protocol. Wives are just naturally better gift shoppers so I too leave most of that to Debbie, even the stocking stuffers!
    Take care my friend. We are all praying for a clean brain scan. Merry Christmas to you and your family and thanks for the terrific Christmas card.


  7. Sooooooo due to all circumstances we just now refer to you as semi wuss?

    They are putting me on 4 weeks of Lovenox following hip surgery….. Really PIG MUCOUS!! Thanks…. Just what I wanted to hear. Hang in there… One day at a time! Hugs…EZ

    Ellen Knight 858 774-1589


  8. Craig, could this cold be a chance to learn new skills that could help later? Yes, MUCH later. What do you think? Too Pollyanna-ish?

    AND…. Anyone who can wear THAT costume, 7 or 8 years in a row, in front of 500 people, is no wuss! You got guts, pal! Bovine or not!

    Merry Christmas to you, Kim, and the kids.


  9. I hope you kick that cold 100% asap! I too don’t see you as a wuss; there are just certain things that get to us more than others and how you deal with the bigger issues is what defines you, I say! So, I think your reaction to the cold is fine since you’re so strong in other major ways! Anyway, love the photos — you look great and your family does too. I do agree, though, that the elf costume is strangely jester-like, but I like it! Looking forward to the MRI and CT scan results and am sure they will be good. Merry Christmas to you and the rest of your family!

  10. After all that you have been through a wuss…really Craig, I don’t think so. You were in our prayers at Christmas mass for a healthy result of your up coming test. You are not alone in this journey, you have lots of people pulling for you. Hug for Kim from me


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