April 30, 2013 (Tues) – “They had a hard time finding it.”

OK, this title could be referring to the search and discovery of the Titanic. Or an honest attorney. (Sorry legal buds, that was a joke, but I couldn’t resist). Or this line could describe a testosterone infused bodybuilder who was looking for his.., er, never mind.

No, this phrase was uttered by my radiologist today when describing the technicians who were looking for my brain tumor in the MRI scan. Yes indeed, certain jungle tribes, or testosterone for that matter, are not the only ones good at shrinking things. Nope, either the Tarceva or the radiation, or possibly both, did a number on upstairs Fuzzy. Originally discovered when the tumor was 6-7mm in size, it had grown to 12-13mm by the time radiation had started. Today, the official report has this puppy Fuzzy now down to 3mm. And even that could be scar tissue for all we know. Not sure I can handle all this good news. 🙂 Another scan won’t be scheduled for 3 months.

So, needless to day, our family is on a pretty big high right now. Of course we know that this could be temporary. But we hope that temporary lasts a loooong time. It is hard realizing that, despite feeling virtually normal, that I will never be normal again. At least not in the way I considered normal 6 months ago. But I will take today’s news, add it to Friday’s, and celebrate accordingly under the new definition. In fact, I am back on duty at Rady Children’s Hospital tomorrow night doing my volunteer stint. Feels good. And hooking up with two of my bros and their wives for a weekend golf getaway in Palm Desert in a few weeks. For those of you on last year’s Camp Enterprise team, this is the resort you treated me to. I’m finally using my gift card. Thanks! Can’t wait.

I knew all of the positive vibes, thoughts and prayers would work. Thank you everyone!

Business as usual. Day at a time.

23 thoughts on “April 30, 2013 (Tues) – “They had a hard time finding it.”

  1. Way to go Craig! Great news…. I think it was the wine… Jeff thinks it was the budget meeting… whatever…
    Continuing to think good thoughts & send good vibes.

  2. What great news! Life is a gift for those of us who have battled cancer and you received a great gift today. One day at a time!

  3. A health crisis brings family closer than ever…enjoy each day with renewed health and passion! I am assuming your wife’s shingles left with the fuzzies.

  4. OMG that is the best news ever. So glad to hear you are a magician and have made the Fuzzies disappear! Congrats!!!

  5. We have been following your journey and are thrilled with your results!! Just wanted you to know that the Loebs are in your corner! These results are not temporary, you will be batting and putting for a long time! (Love the quilt designs by the way)

  6. Ditto to what everyone above said. You have been, and are, an inspiration in how to deal with life’s road bumps in a positive way. Enjoy your renewed life of family, friends, fun and service too.

  7. Craig – thank you for sharing! We are all happy and releived to hear your progress towards remission, knowing each healthy day is a gift from God. take care – play and pray, friend!

  8. Craig……I’m keeping my white wrist band on and whistling some happy tunes one week at a time……you’re the best…..Zeke

  9. Excellent news! The positive thoughts and prayers made by many are getting results. We can’t wait to hear when there are absolutely 0% fuzzy. You’ll definitely have to plan a CELEBRATION!

  10. Hi Craig,
    Great news for you and your family. I’ve been thinking about you so much lately since as you know I have walked your path. I love your positive attitude and your ability to laugh in the face of difficulty! You are awesome and a great example to all.
    With love

  11. Craig,
    The school was holding its collective breath and boy are we exhaling with gusto! Your bride was absolutely glowing at work this week. I’m so happy for the Blower clan that I could burst.
    Much love and continued improving to the guy I’ve always (or at least for the last few years) considered “The Gray Fox”.
    Vicky R.

  12. WOW…just checking in on you and the progress….WOW (sniff) I asked God to heal you ‘from the top of your head to the bottom of your toes….Looks like He’s got greater plans for you, bud’ Enjoy…Live life with no regrets!


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